Weight: 12 lbs 2.5 oz- 9%
Length: 23.5 in-10%
Head circ: 39.7-20%
Overview: I can't believe Millie is already 4months old! The last month has been so fun! She loves to Smile, coo and tell stories. She is starting to giggle, and loves to eat her hands! She now has separation anxiety! My mom babysat her for 2 hours and just screamed! It was so sad :(
She Loves her mama!
Diaper size: 2
Clothes size: Wears both 0-3 months and 3-6 months
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Brown! She lost all of her pretty dark hair but its starting to grow back
Diet: She is breastfed! she will also eat pumped milk in a bottle! She does not like formula. We are also starting rice cereal tonight!
Health: Her health has been good! Her yeast infection is finally gone! She is still on prevacid for her reflux.
Nicknames: Millie, Monkey, Millie Badillie, lala, stinker, chubbers
Sleep: Millie has started sleeping in her crib, but prefers our bed! Her sleep has been all over the place! Haha this mama is TIRED! She went through sleep regression for a while where she would wake up every hour and a half! She's been a little better but has a hard time going to bed at night. We are trying to get onto a schedule/routine but it is so hard! We start our bedtime routine around 7:30 with a bath, lotion, story, and a feeding. Some nights she doesn't fall asleep till 11 though:( But once she's down, she will sleep for at least 3-4 hours, eat then will go right back to sleep for another 3 hours. She also take a few cat naps through out the day. I can't wait until she sleeps through the night Hopefully the rice cereal will help!
- She loves the swing
- hands (she loves to play with hands and hold them while going to sleep)
- playing on her play mat
- loves the TV or any screen
- Curious George
- Music
- When I sing to her
- To be held
- Her binki
- To be rocked to sleep
- Loves to eat her hands
- Change of scenery
- Being over stimulated
- Tummy Time
- Shots
- Getting her nose cleaned out
- Starting to roll over
- Starting to giggle
- Loves to reach for her toys and grab them
- Loves to reach for our hands and faces
- Blows bubbles
- Splashes during bath time
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