Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Recap


2015 Was the best year yet! So many fun and exciting things happened! 

January- Shortly after we found out we were expecting, I became super super sick! January was mostly spent sleeping, working and throwing up! We did go to a jazz game though, that was fun! 

February- In February we got to see our little one for the first time! It was so fun and surreal to finally see our little gummy bear! We also announced to everyone that we were expecting by making valentines. We sent them in the mail to our family members. (I was still soo sick!) 

March- In March we extended our wall in our living room to separate the front room from the living room. By mid March I started to feel better! 
April- April was a big month! We found out the gender of our baby, and Ryan got a promotion on the same day! We went to fetal photos to get an ultra sound but didn't want them to tell us the gender. We had them right it down and put it in an envelope. I took the envelope to Maceys bakery to put the color of frosting inside our cake! We invited our family over for pizza and to find our with us what we were having! I was so anxious and excited! We cut the cake and found out that we were having a GIRL!!! I  was soooo excited!!! Ryan and I also went camping in April with Ryan's family. It wasn't that fun being pregnant camping #havetopee! 

May- In May we finished our backsplash! 

June- In June we started our yard, I went into my third trimester and went to an outdoor movie!

July- July was also a BIG month!! We celebrated the 4th and 24th of July, went boating, my brother came home form his mission, and we started Millie's Nursery!


August- August was the BEST month! In August we finished Millie's nursery, had baby showers, got in a car accident, had millie and became parens!

September- September was spent adjusting to parenthood, sleep deprivation, finished our yard, bought a 4 Runner, and Millie received a sweet blessing from her daddy!

 October- In October we went to the pumpkin patch, celebrated Halloween, I turned 25, saw Sam Smith in concert and we survived purple crying!

November-  Ryan turned 27,  Ryan went to NC for 5 days for work, Millie had her first cold,  we celebrated Thanksgiving and cut down our Christmas tree!

 December- December was a busy month! Ryan and I celebrated 4 yrs of marriage, celebrated Christmas with our loved ones, and ended the year with an overly tired baby (and mama) who had a  complete meltdown and ended up in bed by 10 pm! Heres to another 365 days of HAPPINESS and ADVENTURES! 

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Maira Gall