Thursday, June 23, 2016

10 months old!

10 months old! 
Weight: 15 lbs 
Length: 25 inches
Head Circ: 42.1 cm

Overview: HOLY COW!! I seriously can't believe Millie is 10 months old! Where has time gone?! She has become such little copy cat! She has been loving the pool, finger foods and playing Peek a boo! She loves to play with things that are not toys!  Millie has also learned to stand up by holding onto something! 

Diaper size: 3

Clothes size:  6-12 months

Eye color: Brown

Hair: Her hair is turning dirty blonde! Her hair has grown a ton this last month and has become thicker!

Diet: This girl LOVES FOOD!! Millie thinks our dinner is hers! We like to feed her when we are eating so she knows breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is slowly weaning off nursing, she will nurse about 4 times a day. Millie eats just about anything! She loves grilled cheese sandwiches, chocolate pie, crackers and just about anything she can get her hands on! 

Health: Her health has been great!

Teeth: No teeth yet but she is starting to teeth!

Nicknames: Millie, Monkey, Mills, stinker,

Sleep: Sleep has been AMAZING!! Millie has finally learned to sleep all night!! can I get a hallelujah?! Millie goes down around 9:30pm and sleeps until about 8:30am. It's amazing what whole nights sleep can do for a mommy!! ( I do find myself randomly waking up in the night though to make sure she's still breathing haha) 
- She LOVES dogs
- She Playing with other babies  
- Music ( Her favorite song is work from home by fifth harmony! haha) 
- To be held (All the time!!) 
- Her binki
- Change of scenery
- The T.V. remote
- LOVES The movie Inside-out
- LOVES books! she would look at them all day if I would let her!
- Her giraff Sophie
- My phone (she learned how to scroll using her index finger haha!)
- Loves baby dolls!

- Being over stimulated
- Getting her nose cleaned out
- Nap time
- Being startled
- Being tired 
- When people get in her face
- When Copper barks 

- Learned to say Mama ( It melts my heart to hear her say it in her little voice!) 
- Learned to scoot forward on her butt
- Likes to eat her toes
- Learned to sleep through the night!!
- Stranger danger is getting better 
- Can almost sit up form laying down
- Can feed herself using her pincher fingers
- Learned to stand up (thats all she wants to do!)
-Leans forward into crawling position to get things 

Looking forward to:
-Millie learning to walk/crawl ( I think she is going to walk before she crawls!) 
- The 4th of July
- Lake Powell
- Camping 

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Maira Gall