Weight: 13 lbs 14 oz 9%
Length: 24.5 inches 4%
Head Circ. 40.6 8%
Head Circ. 40.6 8%
Overview: Happy Half Birthday to this little monkey! I can't believe she's already 6 months old! Millie has learned so many things this last month, It's crazy!! It's so fun to see her discover new things! She's also a little diva but is sweet, bashful and has a sensitive little soul!
Diaper size: 3
Clothes size: 3-6 months
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Brown! She lost all of her pretty dark hair but its starting to grow back on top. She has a bald spot from turning her head back and forth in the back haha!
Diet: She is breastfed! she will also eat pumped milk in a bottle which is nice when we are out and about! she loves her Oatmeal, hates green beans and can tolerate carrots!
Health: Her health has been good!
Nicknames: Millie, Monkey, Mills, stinker, chubbers
Sleep: Millie Finally has a bed time!! We start our routine around 7 pm and she will to go bed between 8-8:30 PM. She has learned to fall asleep in her crib and will sleep 4-5 hour stretches which is awesome! she still wakes up once or twice to eat though!
- She LOVES LOVES LOVES her puppy copper! She is always talking to him, and pulling his fur
- playing on her play mat
- loves the TV or any screen
- Music
- To be held
- Her binki
- To be rocked to sleep
- Loves to eat her hands and anything she can get into her mouth
- Change of scenery
- To play with my hair while nursing
- To play with my hair while nursing
- Being over stimulated
- Getting her nose cleaned out
- Nap time
- Being startledMilestones:
We have hit so may milestones this month!! yay!!
- Rolls over (tummy to back)
- Loves to reach for her toys and grab them
- Loves to reach for our hands and faces
- found her hands and loves to wiggle her fingers
- Is learning to wave HI
- So close to rolling from her back to tummy
- Can push and scoot around ( pushes her legs on the ground while laying down and ends up in a diagonal)
- Meet aunt Kaylee for the first time
- likes to hit and throw her toys
- found her ears
(pictures courtesy of Camerashy P.S. this girl will not crack a smile for the camera :)
- Is learning to wave HI
- So close to rolling from her back to tummy
- Can push and scoot around ( pushes her legs on the ground while laying down and ends up in a diagonal)
- Meet aunt Kaylee for the first time
- likes to hit and throw her toys
- found her ears
(pictures courtesy of Camerashy P.S. this girl will not crack a smile for the camera :)
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