Saturday, January 23, 2016

Amelia 5 Months

5 months old! 
Weight: 13 lbs .05 oz
Length: 24 in

Overview: I can't believe Millie is already 5months old! The last month has been so fun! She loves to  Smile, play with her toys, she has found her voice, giggles and rolls over!

Diaper size: 2

Clothes size:  3-6 months

Eye color: Brown

Hair: Brown! She lost all of her pretty dark hair but its starting to grow back

Diet: She is breastfed! she will also eat pumped milk in a bottle! She does not like formula. The rice cereal made her tummy hurt so we waited another month. Last night she tried oatmeal for the first time! she really liked it!

Health: Her health has been good! She did get a little cold though. We are taking her off Prevacid to see if her reflux is gone. If she still has it then we will put her back on it. Her Head is also starting to round out!! yay!! It was pretty flat and i was so worried about her wearing a helmet! 

Nicknames: Millie, Monkey, Millie Badillie, stinker, chubbers 

Sleep:  Millie Finally has a bed time!! We start our routine around 8 pm and she will to go bed between 8:30-9 pm. She has no problem going to sleep, it's the staying a sleep which she has trouble with! some nights are better than others. This last week has been horrible! she wakes up every 2 hours!!  But at least she will sleep in her crib now! We are thinking about sleep training her but I'm so nervous! I love rocking her to sleep at night!  
- She LOVES LOVES  LOVES her puppy copper! She is always talking to him, and pulling his fur
- playing on her play mat 
- loves the TV or any screen   
- Music
- To be held
- Her binki
- To be rocked to sleep
- Loves to eat her hands and anything she can get into her mouth
- Change of scenery 

- Being over stimulated
- Tummy Time
- Getting her nose cleaned out
- Nap time

We have hit so may milestones this month!! yay!! 
- Rolls over (tummy to back)
- Loves to reach for her toys and grab them
- Loves to reach for our hands and faces
- Talks all day long and loves to make sounds with her voice
- Splashes during bath time

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Maira Gall