8 months old!
Weight: 14 lbs
Length: 25 inches
Overview: This last monty Amelia went camping for the first time, she has learned how to say hi and loves to kisses! She is very observant and loves to watch other kids. She also has been throwing some mean tantrums ;)
Diaper size: 3
Clothes size: 3-6 months and some 6-12 months
Eye color: Brown
Hair: her hair is turning dirty blonde! It is also really thin and long on the top haha!
Diet: This girl LOVES FOOD!! Millie thinks our dinner is hers! We like to feed her when we are eating so she knows breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is breastfed! she will also eat pumped milk in a bottle which is nice when we are out and about! Millie eats just about anything! She has tried crackers, rice rusk and chocolate cake!
Health: Her health has been good! I think she is teething though!
Teeth: No teeth yet! but I think she's teething!
Nicknames: Millie, Monkey, Mills, stinker, honey
Sleep: Millie has been on an awesome nigh time schedule, we have started to put her down around 9 now that its stays light outside. She's a stinker though and fights naps, but once she is asleep she will nap for 2 hours! Millie is finally learning to sleep through the night, we do have bad nights though!
- She LOVES LOVES LOVES her puppy copper! She is always talking to him, and pulling his fur
- She loves to sit and play
- Loves the TV or any screen
- Music
- To be held
- Her binki
- Change of scenery
- The T.V. remote
- LOVES The movie Inside-out
- Has a favorite book "On the Night You Were Born"
- The T.V. remote
- LOVES The movie Inside-out
- Has a favorite book "On the Night You Were Born"
- Her giraff Sophie
- Being over stimulated
- Getting her nose cleaned out
- Nap time
- Being startled- Being tired
- When people get in her face
- Belly laughs
- Talks alot more
- Blows rasberrys all day long
- Learned to say HI
- Can push and scoot around ( pushes her legs on the ground while laying down and ends up in a diagonal)
- Likes to hit and throw her toys
- Can transfer and item back and forth with her hands
- Has become ticklish
- Likes to eat her toes
- Learned to say HI
- Can push and scoot around ( pushes her legs on the ground while laying down and ends up in a diagonal)
- Likes to hit and throw her toys
- Can transfer and item back and forth with her hands
- Has become ticklish
- Likes to eat her toes
- Learned to give kisses
- Has learned object permanence
- Stranger danger is getting better
-Learning to pull her self up into sitting position from laying down
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